Wednesday 4 December 2019

We love the earth

Why are we so disrespectful to her, it is a perfect being perfectly placed from the sun so it is smoldering hot , but not frigid cold. Do you believe in heaven? but has anyone ever thought that maybe just maybe that we have already lived and this is heaven , but nobody respects earths greatness because everybody thinks there is a perfect world ahead of them . But every thing about the earth is perfect . But no one respects her to her full beauty. REMEMBER WE LOVE THE EARTH SAVE OUR PLANET . Charlie.Denton 11 years of age Phone number.068675779 Makauri school.

Monday 9 September 2019

Monday 3 December 2018

Go Cart Derby Racing

It was so much fun at the go-kart derby we had the best time going downhill. We had a few crashes and tears. I had the biggest crashes and I had the second fastest go-kart the first time I went down the beginner level first then Charlie B went after me we made it down without crashing. We had to drag the go-karts back up the hill. I was pumped, I then had another go followed by Liana. Two times in a row Zahnae crashed then everyone else had a go. We moved on to the expert level, Charlie.B went first, he made it down without crashing then I had a go I was shoved over the edge by Miss Dods. I speed down the hill I hit the bumpy part, bounced left then right then hit the sheep rut and jumped up and came down on my front wheels and flipped. It hurt! My next run was much the same I went flying down the hill, hit the bumps and spun out again, it sucked but it was fun, then some other people went down the hill I was forbidden to go down on my go-kart again so I took someone else's when they didn’t want to go. I helped some other people drag there go karts up the hill again, helped a Room one go down the hill on their box derby. It was fun and I can't wait till Gisborne intermediate comes so we can do it all over again.

my animation

Friday 30 November 2018

Wednesday 28 November 2018

Go Kart Derby racing

Go Kart derby racing!
It was so much fun at the go-kart derby we had the best time going downhill. We had a few crashes and tears. I had the biggest crashes and I had the second fastest go-kart the first time I went down the beginner level first then Charlie B went after me we made it down without crashing. We had to drag the go-karts back up the hill. I was pumped, I then had another go followed by Liana. Two times in a row Zahnae crashed then everyone else had a go. We moved on to the expert level, Charlie.B went first, he made it down without crashing then I had a go I was shoved over the edge by Miss Dods. I speed down the hill I hit the bumpy part, bounced left then right then hit the sheep rut and jumped up and came down on my front wheels and flipped. It hurt! My next run was much the same I went flying down the hill, hit the bumps and spun out again, it sucked but it was fun, then some other people went down the hill I was forbidden to go down on my go-kart again so I took someone else's when they didn’t want to go. I helped some other people drag there go karts up the hill again, helped a Room one go down the hill on their box derby. It was fun and I can't wait till Gisborne intermediate comes so we can do it all over again.

Monday 26 November 2018

Camp Wellington

Today I worked on sisomo and creating a DLO about our school camp in Wellington
I learned that you need a good amount of time for each slide
I really enjoyed creating the sildes writing
I found it hard to get the right amount of time for each slide
I found it easy to pick the music
Next time I would try to do it quicker
This blog post shows I am a Stepping Up blogger